A couple of shots from a small café somewhere
north of Sydney on the east coast of Australia.
This has to be the most unusual Special I have ever come across.
(Sorry about the slight blur,
I was trying to take the shot quickly and discretely.)
Personally I prefer to order first and then pay,
so I know what I'm paying for and how much!
Funny "specials" sign! As for the "pay and order here" sign, I wonder if it's causing as much confusion as it seems it would.
My sign entry is on my Drive-By Photos blog.
Somebody seems more concerned with your payment than your order!
The kamikazi kookaburras sign is well noted - I guess I will indoors and not at the outdoor patio?
a couple of neat signs.
When I was a kid going to school we were taught a song about Kookaburras. "Laugh Kookaburra gay your life must be." Now I know why they laugh :-)
Dive-bombing birds! Yikes!
Kamikazi Kookaburras. That made me laugh.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
I am really surpised about the sign for dive-bombing kookaburras! I have never seen them behave in this way to humans! I have seen them stand their ground with other birds, but not viciously attack either! Kookaburras and honeyeaters don't get along! I have seen stand offs between them on the telegraph wires! But it's the honeyeater who does the provoking! Maybe north of Sydney the kookaburras have had some bad experiences with humans and they are retaliating?
And the pay/order sign is indeed a little disturbing!
Yes, definitely a good way to attract attention.
LOL, yes...
Well-spotted, Inger!
Funny! Yes, I prefer to order then pay.
Gotta watch those kookaburras! (Actually I'd really love to do that, even if they were Kamikaze ones!).....and I prefer order, eat, and then pay.
Gotta watch those kookaburras! (Actually I'd really love to do that, even if they were Kamikaze ones!).....and I prefer order, eat, and then pay.
Hahahaha omg these is faunny! Did you order their specialty? I wonder what it was. ^_^
The perils of outdoor eating! I like the 'special'!
I guess warning of kamakazi anything is not a bad idea. :)
Interesting special. ;)
Wow! One of the best signs I have seen today. I have to order first then pay.
Silly me! I thought this was a drink special! Ha ha!
hahaha...tats very weird indeed!
My Third Eye
They serve raw kookaburras? haha. I agree...how does one pay first?
That first one is a pretty rare and unique one, and the next dome s in a close second. I can just see you trying to sneak around quietly so as to shoot the images. Great job.genie
Haha! I have never seen a Specials sign quite like this one. :)
And, like you, I prefer to order before I pay too.
Hi there - came across a sign this weekend that used the word "thence" in it!
I think I may have to get a picture of it!
Cheers - Stewart M - Australia
I have seen a kookaburra swoop down and pick up a sausage straight off the barbecue!!! They generally don't swoop humans but they will swoop down and take your food!
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