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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012

How Life Plays Tricks On Us

Our 29 year old son has had health issues since he was 13, when he was diagnosed with both Diabetes and Addison's disease (a rare chronic endocrine disorder in which the adrenal glands do not produce sufficient steroid hormones). Diabetes is well known to most, the second one is less common. These two disorders work against each other and make them both complicated to manage.

On Saturday morning, 
our son was found dead in his flat 
by the home care nurse that checked up on him daily. 
He died from medical complications of his two disorders. 

We all know that life is fragile.
One small phone call, 
"we regret to inform you that your son is dead,"
and in those five seconds
everything is turned upside down.

We have known this could happen, 
but you can never be prepared for death,
and parents should never have to bury a child.
We are devastated.

Our son Geir Espen
born August 24, 1982
died July 14, 2012
He is free now, 
and may he rest in peace.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Skywatch, Himmelsk

Under litt tvil poster jeg omigjen noen bilder fra september 2010. Da bodde vi på sykehotellet på Haukeland i Bergen i 2 uker etter at min mann hadde gjennomgått stamcelletransplantasjon. Nå er vi tilbake her, han har hatt en uidentifisert infeksjon i snart 2 måneder, og blir retestet og viderebehandlet. Almenntilstanden er ganske bra, så derfor ble vi hotellboere. Da vi kom hit ble jeg veldig minnet på den tiden for nesten 2 år siden. Jeg går på nåler igjen, og konsentrasjonen har vært dårlig en stund. 
Jeg har lyst til å blogge, men det tar meg litt lang tid å returnere kommentarer. Håper dere forstår!
Årstad kirke er nærmeste nabo til sykehotellet, en vakker kirke fra 1890. 

Slightly doubtful, I'm reposting some shots from September 2010. We were staying at the patient's hotel at Haukeland Hospital in Bergen for 2 weeks after my husband's successful stem cell transplant. Right now we're back here, he has had an unidentified infection for nearly 2 months, and he's being retested and treated. His general condition is pretty good, so that's why we're at the hotel. When we arrived here I was strongly reminded of those days nearly 2 years ago. I'm on edge again, and my concentration ability is wobbly at best.
I want to keep blogging, but it takes me a while to get around and return comments. We'll see how it goes, and I'm hoping for your understanding.
Årstad church is a close neighbor to the hotel, a beautiful 1890's church.


Friday, June 15, 2012

Skywatch Friday, Himmelsk, Six Word Saturday

I nearly ran into the moon.

(I started to drive across this small bridge when I suddenly "met" the moon. I jumped on the breaks, and fortunately it's in a remote area so at 11 pm there was no traffic, and I was able to very quickly snap a few shots.)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Guest Heart Thursday

An earthy heart, very close to the ground, 
in the miniature world among grass and moss.
So, so tiny, and with even tinier dew drops.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Guest Heart Thursday

I have two amazing nature hearts this week.
A yellow fungus heart on a rock 

and an ocean green heart in a wave.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Macro Monday, Outdoor Wednesday, Watery Wednesday

Today was definitely an indoor kind of day. At least that's how I perceived it the minute I looked out of the window this morning. It seems like we've had grey and rainy days forever, and still I have felt the urge to get outside with my camera. Today, the urge was not there; I had my mind set on a more or less lazy, inactive day. However, I always feel the need to take pictures, and in that respect, today was no exception. 
So, while looking for possible motifs, I noticed a spider's web outside one of the living room windows. Rain drops had attached themselves to the cobweb strands, and it looked like strings of glittering beads. 

There was a slight wind so the web was moving, and there was rain on the window between me and the web, not to mention that the window itself was dirty, so it was hard to get focused shots. I set up my tiny tripod on the window sill, and after taking lots, and I mean lots of shots, from all kinds of acrobatic angles, a few were acceptable. 

A tiny fly had got caught, 
waiting to be the spider's next packed lunch.

Like the finest piece of jewelry, 
displayed, but impossible to wear.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Skywatch Friday, Himmelsk, Ein Stück Himmel, Friday's Fences, Saturday Sareenity, Scenic Sunday

An italian sunset seen through the railing 
on board the MSC Fantasia, one week ago.

En italiensk solnedgang sett gjennom 
rekkverket på MSC Fantasia for en uke siden.

Participating in:

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Guest Heart Thursday

Valentine's Day is not a huge thing in Norway yet,
but I have been on vacation, and this week I bring you some Italian hearts.

There was no indication of what Mary's room was...

The sun really showed off with a glowing heart that evening 
as it set over the harbor of Civitavecchia. 

Monday, January 30, 2012

Blog break

I'm taking a 2 week break on this blog.
See you again in mid February!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Signs, Signs

At a norwegian farmer's fair a company was 
demonstrating some kind of carving tool, 
and this company obviously did not want 
their men to receive fringe benefits :-)

Signs, Signs

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Skywatch Friday, Himmelsk and Ein stück himmel

Last weekend I witnessed something utterly amazing, something that's right up there next to, or even above, the Aurora Borealis. They are Nacreous clouds, better known as Mother-of-Pearl clouds. They are rare, and once seen are never forgotten. I was returning from an early visit to Bergen, and was on my way to the ferry at Halhjem just as the sun was rising. This phenomenon lasted for 1,5 hours, and I got lots of photos. What a way it was to start the day!

Norsk tekst under bildene.

Forrige helg opplevde jeg noe helt fantastisk, noe jeg bare har lest om før, på høyde med, eller over, nordlys. Dette er Perlemorsskyer. De er sjeldne, og har man sett dem, glemmer man det aldri. Jeg var på vei hjem fra et tidlig ærend i Bergen og fikk øye på skyene på vei til ferja på Halhjem. Fenomenet varte i over 1,5 time, og jeg fikk masse bilder, både fra bilen, ferjekaien og fra ferja. For en flott start på dagen!

Skywatch Friday, Season 5, Episode 28

Skywatch Friday


Guest Heart Thursday

This week I have:

Climbing ivy hearts

A mountainside snow heart

An ad for pie, with lots of pepper hearts.
("Joker" is a norwegian grocery store chain)

Have a great weekend!

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