All pictures can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Weekend Reflections #71

We've had mostly grey days lately, 
but at least this particular day was totally windless too,
and the reflections were nearly perfect.

This is not a lake, it's salt water. It is a sheltered bay, 
but it's not very often that any part of the ocean is this still.

Happy weekend to you all,
for more Reflections, go here.

Click to see the rules and to take a badge for yourself.

Himmelsk #20 and Skywatch friday

Skywatch Friday, season 4, episode 29.

Klikk her/go here for more heavenly pictures.

Hver fredag:

Go here for more skies from around the world.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Guest Heart Thursday #42

Guest Heart Thursday from Clytie at Random Hearts.

This week, a fog heart, mirrored in the lake,

and a rock formation that becomes a heart when mirrored in the lake.
Enlarge the picture, and you can see a very small one too, 
upside down from the bigger one.

The lake looks very still, but it is actually iced over, 
with a thin layer of water on top.

Go here for more heart warming pictures.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Mandagstema: Vakker(t)

Mandagstema fra Petunia: Vakker(t)
Monday theme from Petunia: Beautiful

Vår datter og svigersønn: Er ikke gravide kvinner vakre? 
Our daughter and son-in-law: Aren't pregnant women beautiful?

Klikk her for flere vakre fotomotiv.
Go here for more beautiful photos.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Moody Monday: Timely

Time-piece, time-out, time-machine, time from Moody Monday.

Aira, the irish wolf hound takes a cooling time-out.

Go here for more timely photos.


oftograf 4: Bevegelse: Fort / Movement: Fast #3

oftograf's fjerde tema er Bevegelse: Fort
oftograf's forth theme is Movement: Fast

Dette er tatt ved daggry, ut av frontruta på en lastebil.
This photo is taken at dawn, through the windscreen of a truck.

Klikk her for å stemme på ditt favorittbilde forrige uke.
Go here to vote for your last week's favorite picture.

Klikk her for flere kjappe bevegelser.
Go here fore more fast movements.

oftograf 4: Bevegelse: Fort / Movement: Fast #2

oftograf's fjerde tema er Bevegelse: Fort
oftograf's forth theme is Movement: Fast

En dag med veldig sterk vind. Bart og ører lå flate.

This was a very windy day. Beard and ears went flying. 

Klikk her for å stemme på ditt favorittbilde forrige uke.
Go here to vote for your last week's favorite picture.

Klikk her for flere kjappe bevegelser.
Go here for more fast movements.

oftograf 4: Bevegelse: Fort / Movement: Fast #1

oftograf's fjerde tema er Bevegelse: Fort
oftograf's forth theme is Movement: Fast

I vår familie er det vår datter som står for de heftigste bevegelsene. Her er hun i ferd med å kaste slegge til gull i Junior NM i 2006 i eldste junior klasse U23. 2 år før ble hun Junior Norgesmester i U20.

In our familiy, our daughter is master of movements, of any kind. Here she is competing in the Norwegian Junior Championships 2006, receiving a gold medal for her performance in the hammer throw. Two years earlier she was also Junior Norwegian Champion in a younger class.

Klikk her for å stemme på ditt favorittbilde forrige uke.
Go here to vote for your last week's favorite picture.

Klikk her for flere kjappe bevegelser.
Go here fore more fast movements.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Shadow Shot Sunday #140

Shadow Shot Sunday from Hey Harriet.

Afternoon shadows 
in anticipation 
of a candle lit evening 
and a nice wine.

Go here for more Shadow Shots.

Challenge #14 - Reflections, and Weekend Reflections #70

Reflection challenges from:

Our very cute dog Isa loves to sniff in all the dog info out there. She only gets to do it a minute at a time, and only when I hold her to stop her from leaning too far out. 

Go here and  

Click to see the rules and to take a badge for yourself.

for more Reflections.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Camera Accessory

- ways to enhance your hobby experience

A few days ago my friend Janne at Spindelmaker 
posted about a camera bag she made.

Like Janne, I always carry my camera with me, and with all the stuff that we ladies carry around in our hand bags, there is always a danger of scratching some part of the camera. So when I saw this brilliant light protective pouch that takes up no more space than what the camera already does, I just had to make one too.

I love sewing, but the things I make are usually more practical and functional than pretty. So this time I laid down some ground rules for myself.
1. I had to use a fabric that I wouldn't normally use.
2. I had to add some sort of decor.
3. I could not spend a lot of time being picky and particular, f.ex. seams were allowed to be a bit wobbly. My point was: just get it done!

So this is what I came up with: a shimmery velvet fabric, with a decor that, to some degree, matches the camera strap that I made a few months ago. (Don't you just hate the boring black and yellow strap that comes with the camera?) 
I added a thin lining for extra cushioning, a drawstring for closure, and done! 

Thank you Janne, for a great idea, and for inspiration to make it!

Himmelsk #19 and Skywatch Friday

Himmelsk fra Petunia
Heavenly from Petunia.

Skywatch Friday, season 4, episode 28.

Dette bildet er tatt fra kanten av en høyslette på Madeira. 
Skyene ligger under oss, og sola er i ferd med å gå ned. 
Gjennom hullet i skylaget, i midten til høyre, kan havet skimtes. 
Madeira er en fasinerende øy; anbefales!

This photo is taken from the edge of a mountain plain on Madeira Island.
We are above the clouds, and the sun is setting.
A glimpse of the Atlantic ocean can be seen through the clearing
(middle, right).
Madeira Island is truly fascinating; I recommend going there for a holiday!

Klikk her for flere Himmelske bilder

Go here for more Heavenly photos

Hver fredag:

Go here for more skies from around the world.

Signs, Signs #3

My daughter bought me this cute sign on one of her vacations.
Our dog is very pleased with it :-)

Go here for more Signs.

Guest Heart Thursday #41

Guest Heart Thursday from Clytie at Random Hearts.

On one of my walks lately it looked like I wasn't going to find any hearts. So I found this white spot on the rock, and if I covered part of it with my shoe: there was a heart! (I know, it might be considered cheating :-))

But then, there it was, another white spot that was a heart, all on it's own, without any help from me!

On another walk my ♡husband♡ spotted a tree heart.

And finally, one evening the skies offered up three cloud hearts. 
One is very visible, the other two not quite so obvious.

Go here for more heart warming photos.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mellow Yellow Monday #104 and Blue Monday

This is a night shot from the beach promenade in Barcelona, Spain. 
We stayed in the brand new W Hotel in the background.

Go here for more blues.

Go here for more yellows.


Monday, January 17, 2011

oftograf 3: Bevegelse: Dans / Movement: Dance

oftograf's tredje tema er Bevegelse: Dans

oftograf's third theme is Movement: Dance 

Her har min datter eksamen i capoeira under et studieopphold i Brasil. Capoeira er satt sammen av kampsport, akrobatikk, musikk og dans. Den oppsto i Bahia regionen i Brasil da etterkommere av afrikanske slaver kamuflerte kampteknikktrening som dans.

This is my daughter during her final exam in capoeira while studying in Brazil. Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian art form that combines the elements of martial arts, sports, music and dance. It was created by descendants of African slaves to camouflage their training in fighting techniques.

Klikk her for flere dansebilder.

Go here for more dancing.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Guest Heart Thursday #40

Guest Heart Thursday from Clytie at Random Hearts.

I keep finding stone cold hearts these days :-)

Go here for more heart warming pictures.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Challenge #14 - Timed challenge and Macro Monday #121

Timed challenge from 

This challenge is to choose your shot, 
set a timer for 5 minutes and SNAP HAPPY!!

I decided to try out my new macro lens, 
and went for a stroll around the house :-)


Go here for more timed challenge photos.

Go here for more Macros.


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